I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Watch the Branston Baked Beans Advert - I'm still scared!

I know I said it already but the ad for Branston Beans scares me. It seems the more it scares me the more often it's on the telly.

I think it's the way this can is winding and grinding while singing "I believe in miracles" in that sultry voice. Then to make matters worse the mouth with those perfectly white teeth and it kinda looks like a cyclops. Next we move to it singing the line "rich tomato taste that's good enough to lick" at which point "it" sticks it's tongue out and licks it's lips - ew! What really finishes me off though, is the woman who's sitting there with a plate of beans on toast in front of her watching the whole disturbing occurence like she's in love.

I finally found the ad here on Visit4info. Watch it and tell me what you think.


Update: The link at Visit4info is now a paid link. To watch the ad for free go to TellyAds. (Thanks to Will for this link).


whyioughtta said...

I...I don't know what to say. While mindful and respectful of culinary differences between England and Canada, I should point out that we don't, as a rule, eat beans on toast. So that's the first hurdle, for me, of this whole strange Branston Beans universe. That beans should be so popular as to dance and sing a disco-era hit--it's incomprehensible. I mean, they are the magical fruit, but...just...ew. And yeah, the teeth and the licky thing and the pelvic...why, God, why?

whyioughtta said...

p.s. I meant to say "they are the MUSICAL fruit" --not the magical fruit...although apparently they are that as well...

toianii said...

The ad horrifies me. I cant staand the idea of sexualised baked beans. Theyre just so innocent, and beanline - they remind me of too many junior school dinners - and the bumping and grinding can of beans kind of cuts through the innocence.

Mia said...

whyioutta - Every time we "speak" I learn something new. I had no idea you guys don't do beans on toast, it's such a staple part of the diet over here. As for beans being "musical" - yeah I hear ya! No I don't mean in "that" way either ;)x

toianii - Hey girl, welcome to my little piece of the net. I never really thought of the innocence of beans LOL! Maybe that's at the root of why I feel so uncomfortable about this advert. Thanks for stopping by! Please come again, I could do with the laughs.

It seems we're not the only people horrified by this advert, I've had loads of hits and found a number of sites making similar comments about this truly awful campaign.


NML/Natalie said...

I just can't understand why they couldn't have a single man eating beans. I mean what are they trying to say!?!

Anonymous said...

This advert is also available FOR FREE at:


As for the advert, it is embarrassing and an insult to the viewer. It has poor animation; it destroys a well known song; and it features a weird middle-aged woman, watching the experience with a smile as annoying as the Bean Tin, while tucking into the most vile plate of beans I have ever seen!

Mia said...

Thanks for this link Will, you're a star.

I see my original link has been up so long it's become a paid resource. So I'll replace it with yours if you don't mind.

Peace and lurve
