I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Chicken Bites - Bites!!!

I have been appalled by the recent adverts from Mattesons for their Chicken Bites.

I swear they must have been created by a team of vegetarians. (No offence guys)

But never mind the "They bring out the carnivore in you" tag line, watching the ads are enough to put you off meat for life.

Who in their tiny little right minds thought that the idea of someone standing at the bus stop eating the product and being ogled and almost attacked by people who turn into grotesque creatures horrific fangs and claws would encourage anyone to rush out and buy the product?

I honestly worry about not only the people who came up with the concept but also about the whoever in the company said yes and allowed the ads to be made and shown. I cannot believe there is anyway they went to focus groups or even got through the advertising authorities.

The whole thing is just horrible, worthy of something the current candidates taking part in the Apprentice would come up with. I can just hear Alan Sugar now...!!!

Mattesons Chicken Bites on Visit4Info website.

Peace ya'll



whyioughtta said...

Mia! So good to have you back!

Can you imagine the meeting when they presented the storyboards for this ad? "And here, the people standing behind the lead will sprout fangs and attack...and the end result will be: more people buying chicken chunks."

I haven't even seen the ad, but I am deeply disturbed by it. I may never be the same.

Still, European ads kick North American ads' butts. I'll take vampires and dancing cans of beans over a bunch of executives spouting words like 'innovative' and 'vision' over and over again. Gag.

Mia said...

Thanks for the welcome back.

Trust me, I don't think it will be long before we're there girlfriend!
