I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Apprentice

Well we've got to the last 4 and tonight it's the roughest, toughest interviews anyone can ever expect to face.

The candidates will be grilled (and I mean slow spit roast stylee) by 3 of Sir Alan's trusted people. All highly successful business men in their own right, they have gained the trust of Sir Alan. They will be sure to take no prisoners tonight. No matter your previous achievements it will take a lot to impress these people and even if you succeeded in impressing them you would probaly never know. If the candidates, 2 boys and 2 girls, think they've had it tough so far, they ain't seen nothing yet!

To cap it off, this week we lose 2 people in one go ready for the almighty showdown next week.

It'll be hard to see them go but I reckon - and here I'm sticking my neck way, way out - that we'll be saying goodbye to Ansell and Michelle. Last two standing will be Paul and Ruth. Ok, so I'll probably get shot down in flames here with these predictions but it's nothing compared to what these candidates have been through over the last 10 weeks (and it's oh sooooo much more preferable).

My quote of the series so far has to be when Paul was talking to Ansell about Rome after winning a luxury trip at the end of the last task. Here I'm paraphrasing but the conversation went something like this.

Paul: "Wow Rome! Great! Have you ever been to Rome?"
Ansell : "No. I've never been to Italy"
Paul: "Oh it's great! They've got loads in Rome. They've got the Colosseum and everything. You know the Colosseum where they filmed Gladiator"

Oh my God! How very priceless!

All the majesty and history in Rome and the best you can say is it's where they filmed Gladiator - you're after a job paying how much a year???!! Good thing it's not as a tour guide.


Oh and one more thing. I'm loving that we can now watch certain shows online at any time and of course "The Apprentice" is one such entity. It's way past time that the tv companies woke up and smelled the aroma of the internet! Yippee!!!


NML/Natalie said...

I *love* this show! I am gutted that Ansel didn't get through but Paul deserved to be booted out. Twat!

Mia said...


Hear Hear!