The battle commenced at 9pm and what a battle it was!
Superb telly was provided by Paul and Syeed scrapping away trying to compete with each other selling tickets to the same group of people. They were on the same team and supposedly working together but the mighty egos bumped up against each other to magnificent effect for those of us watching and unfortunately nearly resulted in disaster for team leader Michelle.
I loved the meeting Michelle called on the street that effectively put Syeed in his place. His comment that he was "this close to getting very nasty" was only superceded by Paul earlier calling Syeed a (how shall I put it) "male chicken" under his breath. Funny, funny, funny - oh ok, it helped to have seen it. Eventually Michelle regrouped, the team pulled together, tickets were sold and the evening went off very well indeed.
Ruth's team by contrast were all chaps together. They worked well and each member of the team pulled their weight. There was a bit of a hiccup with regard to what the theme of the night would be, even Sir Alan put a call into Ruth to voice his opinion. However, they pulled off the murder mystery night complete with can can dancers and costumes. It all looked like great fun and moneywise pulled in almost twice the amount of the other team.
Money didn't talk for Sir Alan, however, when it came down to the final choice. In the end he went for Michelle.
It was a bit of a shocker in some ways but in others not really. I think he saw her as someone who would be an Apprentice in the truer sense of the word. Someone who needed to be moulded and polished. Whereas Ruth seemed to be pretty set in her ways (albeit a very effective manager).
So Michelle it is. Well done girl I wish you all the best!
As for Ruth (my favourite) she'll be more than ok.
Peace Ya'll