I'm a bit worried about the recent Burger King adverts. You know which ones I mean!! The ones with that bloke in fairy tale king's outfit and a giant plastic head.
There's something about the giant plastic head that just freaks me out. I don't know whether it's the size of the head, the shinyness, the staring eyes, the cheesy grin, the totally immobile features or what. All I know is I see the character and I feel, well ......"freaked"!
The lastest advert was released to run a promotion with the new Superman Returns movie. Oh my gosh no!!! All I can say is it 'superfreaked' me (heh heh)!
Why you may ask? Well, not only did it have that freaky king but it also had a freaky bloke sitting in a "so not a bloke way" on a bench staring almost lovingly at a nasty, horrible, uninviting looking sandwich.
See what you think ... Burger King Super Advert
Superfreak!!!!! Or maybe it's just me.
Peace ya'll
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Internet is like a series of tubes OK?
Warning!!! This post is not about a tv programme, well not in the usual sense of my posts here.
I just discovered (a few weeks after the whole of America) the definitive explanation of what the internet is. Now you may wonder why it would concern me but what I've not made clear on here is that my job involves working in IT and one of the questions I sometimes get asked by computing novices is "what is the internet?". Until now I had used stock phrases like "the information superhighway" or "lots of pages of information" or "cyberspace where anyone has the potential to interact with anyone from any part of the world" blahdee blahdee blah.
However, whilst finally catching up with some of my favourite blogs I came across this article on Wired News - "MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song".
Finally, at last and forever I have a way of explaining to all those novices out there what the internet is and even better Jon Stewart from the Daily Show put it all into a neat little package
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I just discovered (a few weeks after the whole of America) the definitive explanation of what the internet is. Now you may wonder why it would concern me but what I've not made clear on here is that my job involves working in IT and one of the questions I sometimes get asked by computing novices is "what is the internet?". Until now I had used stock phrases like "the information superhighway" or "lots of pages of information" or "cyberspace where anyone has the potential to interact with anyone from any part of the world" blahdee blahdee blah.
However, whilst finally catching up with some of my favourite blogs I came across this article on Wired News - "MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song".
Finally, at last and forever I have a way of explaining to all those novices out there what the internet is and even better Jon Stewart from the Daily Show put it all into a neat little package
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Big Brother 7 - is there a vampire in the house?
Hey guys, I have tried to avoid it but I had to give up and give in.
Yes, I have been watching Big Brother 7.
It made for very uncomfortable viewing during the first few weeks when there was a truly disturbing amount of bullying. Aisleyne being forced to evict her new housemates last week was on a par with the first few weeks. I struggled with whether I wanted to continue watching people being treated in this way but the cruel sadistic streak in me triumphed and I have continued.
I promise I will not write many posts on BB7, as I think it's getting more than enough coverage.
I couldn't resist this one though because I was struck by how much Glyn now looks like Spike. You know, the vampire from Angel. Forget Billy Idol (although he looks so much like him too). I much prefer the thought that there maybe a vampire in the house because let's face it we already have Pete the popstar/rocker!
Also this gives me an opportunity to put this picture of Spike and the dark, broody, hot one - that's Angel not Micheal by the way - on my blog (mmmmmmmm lol).
Could you imagine the scene though if Glynn was a vampire???
Cue BB music.....
Voice Over Man: "Day 57 in the BB house, it's 1am in the morning and for the first time all house mates appear to be asleep. Oh hold on, one house mate, Glyn has come to the diary room."
Glynn/Spike: "Hello Big Bruver! You know I wanted some black pudding? Well I think I'm ok for the moment."
BB: "Why's that Glynn? Have you gone off black pudding?"
Glynn/Spike: "Well it's the strangest thing BB. Ever since I dyed my hair I've had this urge to bite people's necks. I've discovered a new taste and I like it much more."
BB: "Could you explain what you mean about the taste Glynn?"
Glynn/Spike: "Well you know that black pudding is also known as blood sausage. I've found that lately when I kiss them on the neck I just have a little nibble and then suddenly I taste something like the black pudding, only warmer and all ooozier.
One other thing I noticed is that anyone I do that to seems to get a bit quiet and sleepy but they liven up in a couple of days. In the meantime the house is full of all these lovely people who like having my chops around various bits of their anatomy so I've got plenty of supplies. Oh that's apart from Susie, she just tastes like tea, could I nominate her to go please?"
As Glynn leans back in the diary chair laughing we see he seems to have a lovely set of knashers. Some that could do with a bit of a file down.
Suddenly the cameras switch from the BB Diary Room to the bedroom. We see it flooded with light and full of BB staff checking on housemates. Suddenly all the lights go dark as we hear the sound of running feet and lots of screaming......
Cut to station announcement
"Ladies and Gentlemen we apologise for the loss of your programme. BB will get back to you..."
(((Giggle, giggle)))
Peace Ya'll
Dr Who
I have loved the new Dr Who almost from the very first show.
But this last story, espcially the second part was absolutley superb!!!
For all you doubters out there, trust me ... you would be wise to get hold of both series one and two.
The growth in characters, stories, special effects etc is positively heart warming.
Whilst Christopher Ecclestone's Dr was manic and a bit scarey (in a nice way). David Tennants' Dr is witty with glimses of a dark almost menacing undercurrent.
The whole relationship with his assistant Rose made facinating viewing. I was mightily pleased that the writer/s finally sorted out her mom and spruced up her former boyfriend Mickey! I am also happy with the effects as they are i.e. that kind of almost man in a funny suit quality mixed with low budget CGI. That's what Dr Who is all about, please don't go all Matrix on us auntie Beeb!
My verdict on the show then ... Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!
I cannot wait for the Christmas Special and the new season.
Peace ya'll
But this last story, espcially the second part was absolutley superb!!!
For all you doubters out there, trust me ... you would be wise to get hold of both series one and two.
The growth in characters, stories, special effects etc is positively heart warming.
Whilst Christopher Ecclestone's Dr was manic and a bit scarey (in a nice way). David Tennants' Dr is witty with glimses of a dark almost menacing undercurrent.
The whole relationship with his assistant Rose made facinating viewing. I was mightily pleased that the writer/s finally sorted out her mom and spruced up her former boyfriend Mickey! I am also happy with the effects as they are i.e. that kind of almost man in a funny suit quality mixed with low budget CGI. That's what Dr Who is all about, please don't go all Matrix on us auntie Beeb!
My verdict on the show then ... Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!
I cannot wait for the Christmas Special and the new season.
Peace ya'll
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Ice Skateing Citroen - Genius!
Ok sorry again for being away so long but I intend to slide right back in as if I'd never been away.
Have you seen the latest Citroen C4 advert? I think it is absolutely fantastic!
I love this version which I found on the net, probably the the unedited one. Little things like the suprised lumberjack and the engineer falling over when the car slides to a halt amuse me no end. For me it's those touches that add to the feeling of realism, oh if only cars could transform into ice skating geniuses ... could you imagine the stage show??
Peace ya'll
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