I'm cracking up, gotta get away from the tv. Too many adverts making me laugh. Actually, I seem to be enjoying the ads more than programs at the moment. Do you hear that program makers?!!? Oh hold on, maybe I shouldn't make them aware of my love of ads, that'll just give them an excuse to reduce programs even more.
Anyways back to the subject at hand.
Ever wondered what happened to Mr T. I've been enjoying that homage to him in the 118118 ads (the little boy waiting for a shave at the barbers shouting "crazy fools"). Always guaranteed to make me smile.
Imagine my joy when Mr T himself popped up on tv the other night advertsing Snickers! He looks good considering how long it's been and the advert is a treasure.
Picture the scene. A game of football, a player trips, falls and promptly rolls around on the floor in agony, screaming for the ref. Members of the other team stand around shaking their heads in disbelief at the awful play-acting. Haven't we all felt the same? Wanted to go over, pull up the "injured" player by his shorts, tell him to grow up and stop being such a wimp? Well wish no more. To the rescue comes Mr T but hold on, it gets better! It's Mr T in a tank. Oh how sweet it is to see Mr T shouting "get some nuts"!!! LOL!!!
Now I've made you read my summary, you can go watch it for yourself Get Some Nuts TV.
Peace and lurve!