I tell you what. If you missed Jamies Eat to Save Your Life, you missed something pretty gruesome.
It was effective though, I'll give them that. I talked about it to a couple of people today and we have all made the decision to do something about our food and exercise.
It was kind of reassuring to see perfectly normal people being given managable tips on how to make small changes that can make huge differences. Don't believe me? Well one girl was told if she cut out one latte coffee and (almost) a pack of crisps a day, she would stop herself from putting on 3 stone in a year. She's not a mega eater, she's an active dance teacher and yet still cutting out the equivalent of the sugar, fat and salt in the coffee and crisps would stop her gaining stones!
Now of course there are a lot more things we can all do. Jamie and company certainly gave their 18 guinea pigs from the great british public a thorough going over.
This was topped off by Dr Gunter's ghoulish autopsy of a 25 stone man. I couldn't watch that bit. You're a better woman/man (delete the appropriate gender here) than me if you did. However, I listened to the things he had to say about the state of that poor man's body. Not nice at all.
My verdict on the programme?
Thought Provoking! If it's repeated again, watch it!