I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Friday, August 28, 2009

Maoam 'sexual' sweet wrappers!

Now I know this is a TV blog but I just had to share this with ya'll. You see, I am trying so hard not to "scream out loud" here! (I'm punning, I'm punning!!!)

I've just come across this article in the Telegraph about 'sexual' wrappers on children's sweets http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/6096788/Haribos-MAOAM-candy-criticised-for-sexual-sweet-wrappers.html

The thing making me writhe in mirth is this from the article "The lime who, I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face. I demanded to see the shop manager and during a heated exchange my wife became quite distressed and had to sit down in the car park."

LOOOOL!!! Or should that be SOL!!! - (err - Scream Out Loud). "The lime who, I assume to be the gentleman in this coupling, has a particularly lurid expression on his face." - Classic!! Honestly, tears are dripping from my eyes right now!

Don't go getting the wrong idea about me but I may have to go buy a pack before they change it just to keep for posterity.

Peace and love


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Mommy I love You!!!!

Well it will soon be Mother's Day (March 22nd for those of you who need a reminder) and I've been racking my brains trying to decide what I can get my mommy.

Or I should say racking my brains until tonight. I've just seen an advert for exactly the right thing ....

...exactly the right thing if I don't value my life that is!!!

Thank you whoever thought this was a good idea. This has been the best laugh I 've had for weeks!
