This is the one where a mother feels a cold or something coming on so she whips out Vicks to squirt a bit up her nose. No problem with that, so far so good. In the meantime, her son has wondered to a shelf in the supermarket and picked up stuff which he knows full well he shouldn't. Again no problem, we all know that happens. The mother looks at the child, the child looks at the mother then proceeds to throw himself and the offending item down on the floor giving it some as he lets out a tantrum in order to try manipulate his mom. Naughty boy :)!
Mom, to her credit is onto his game and chucks herself on the floor too. You have to marvel in admiration as she puts on a performance worthy of an oscar. So much so that her baby in the shopping trolley lets loose an adorable smile and the little boy gives up and comes running to her knowing on this occasion, he has lost.
All good and fine, highly amusing, very clever. However, even though he puts the jar of stuff back on the shelf, they just walk off and leave the packet of crisps (or whatever) lying in the middle of the isle.
Whaaaa??!?!?!?! You lost me now! This is where I get annoyed. Pick it up! One of you pick it up!!!! Don't just go waltzing off! What happens when some poor old dear comes along and trips over it? She would probably end up breaking a hip, then her kids would sue the supermarket and then the prices would go up to pay for the increase in insurance premiums.
You see the consequences of not cleaning up behind yourself? Now I hope you've all taken careful note of my warning.
What? I've not seen this one, but if anyone has been shopping in a supermarket recently, you will know that the old dears pose far more of risk to other shoppers than a bag of crisps on the floor!
Besides with all the part time Xmas staff, you've got to give them something to do
"Besides with all the part time Xmas staff, you've got to give them something to do" LOL!!! Ooooohhh that's sooooo bad! ;)x
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