I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Monday, August 07, 2006

24 meets Star Trek

I've been loving the re-runs of the classic Star Trek Original Series at 7pm every evening on the Sci Fi Channel.

Yes, Star Trek is testosterone fuelled, American imperialism (thanks Phil - mwwahhh). Good ole' boys chasing around the universe imposing their idea of right and wrong, spouting the ideal of non-interference as they interfere right royally. Disapproving of the customs of civilisations old and young, whilst blowing up worlds, screwing (sorry) romancing the female of whatever species and helping whole societies to collapse.

The sexism, racism, bad acting, terrible fights (oops Kirk's top has been ripped off again), awful stunt/body doubles and over acting.

I love every minute of it!

I'd forgotten how many stories are recycled in the Star Trek universe. I tell you what, there's no better place to look for conservation ideas. Recently there were a couple of episodes, one called "Mirror Mirror" which was the story of a mirror universe where the federation was an empire ruled by fear and promotion was gained by murder and deceit. This was where the Enterprise story "In A Mirror Darkly" came from, one of my absolute favourites! Then another episode "The Changeling" which was obviously the story from which Star Trek the Movie (you know the one with "Vger" and the girl with no hair) was made.

Ok, so we all know the stories are basically the same time and again 
"Chloe" from the series "24"

 but I made another discovery! I know where Chloe from 24 will end up or it maybe her great, great, great, great grand daughter!

Yup! Chloe will become Yeoman Rand and serve aboard the Enterprise underneath ('scuse the pun) none other than Captain Kirk! Don't believe me? Here are the pictures to prove it!

Well done that girl!!! I knew I loved her and now she's confirmed as one of my heroes!

Go Chloe!!!
Go Chloe!!!


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