I'm a grown woman and I watch way too much TV. As a child I was always being told off for lying around staring at the goggle (not google) box. Well I thought I'd do something about all that TV watchin' hence we have this blog. Now some might say some of the things I've got to say are a bit unfair but who cares when All Publicity is Good Publicity..... Peace Ya'll :)x

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Gadget Show on Channel five

My middle name should be gadget! I say this with a qualification because even though my idea of heaven is to spend a good day or two playing with whatever is the latest gadget, I rarely get the chance (or have the money) to do so.

That's why I thank heavens for The Gadget Show. (When was the last time you heard anyone thanking the heavens for anything? LOL.)

I can live my gadget playing days through this programme vicariously. It's so very, very cool to see what the presenters get upto whether it's racing each other on fold-up bikes and motorised skates or setting up synchronised robot dancing. The reviews are pretty informative and the information nicely accessible. I get a little frustrated at the website. I'd like a bit more indepth articles but I suppose it is primarily a tv programme.

The bestest thing about the show has to be the competition prize! Chances of winning are probably pretty slim but with a prize fund usually totalling something in the region of £5000 worth of gadgets, I don't care that it costs £1 to enter!

A damn good show and a chance at a nice little package. Very nice indeed!

Peace Ya'll


Thursday, November 23, 2006

X Factor 2006

Well I've not mentioned The X Factor but I have been watching it all these weeks.

I can say that I am getting pretty tired of the show now. A very long time ago I realised that it wasn't about talent or real ability. The show has been about a good Saturday night laugh and having a tear jerker of a back story all set to an occasional song.

These days it's so transparent, it's all about ego's. I'm not talking about the ego's of would be stars, they've been relegated to the sidelines. It's all about the judges. Who can outsmart who. Who can come up with the wittiest and most cutting remark. Who can force who to do the dirty on their own artists. It's not big, it's not clever and it's not nice to watch.

Those poor contestants have to stand there whilst judges are gloating over the fact that another judge is about to lose an act. Well those acts happen to be people who are desperate to get into (the nasty, horrible) showbiz (world). But in the hands of the judges they're just weapons of mass destruction.

I really don't care that Simon wasn't in the country with his act last week. At least I didn't after the 3rd, 4th, 5th time that Louie repeated it. Change the record please!!!!

As for the standard of the contestants, it's poor. Some are ok but there are much much better out there. I'm not even going to mention the two brothers grim. I'm sure they are really nice lads, they seem friendly enough but let's just say I don't see how they got onto national telly. If they get into the final, well what a shambolic programme! Come on be honest, would you seriously buy McDonald Bro's single, never mind an album??? Oh ooops! I said I wasn't going to mention them.

I can see why Simon made the decision he did last week. It just reflects the state of the music industry in this country. The industry would pick four, quirky, amiable lads from Liverpool over a very competent solo singer. It's a no brainer. Simon did what most record execs would do, just as he did the week before when picking the babyfaced, easy to sell, lad, who's a performer over the not so experienced and would need a bit more nuturing but promising singer! It's a sad sad fact of life in the music business. It's not fair or right but it's showbusiness on this small island of ours.

Right at about now I can't help but hope that this is the last we'll see of The X Factor. As it's a bit of a money spinner, I can't see that being likely.

Peace Ya'll


Oh and good luck to the remaining contestants.

Penguin Persil Ad

Cute, cute, cute is all I can say. It's not persuaded me to buy the brand but I love the advert. Even makes me want to be a penguin! Watch it here.

Once again we see a brand tie-in with a movie. Happy Feet looks like it will be just as cute. It's out in UK cinemas on December 8th, me and my mate are gonna go see it even though we're grown ups (I think - LOL)!

Peace Ya'll


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Let me call you sweetheart....."

I love the latest Orange Togetherness Advert!
You know the one with Laurel and Hardy seranading some unfortunate young lady in the background but we see those plastic wind-up walky pals.
Christmas is coming so if you see them on sale will you get me a set? Pretty, pretty , pretty please - "Let me call you Sweetheart......"
Ta very muchly!
Peace Ya'll


People, people, people!!!




Tuesday, November 21, 2006

M & S gets Bondish

Oh so cool and oh so topical is the Christmas M&S James Bond spoof advert.

Here we see a number of women being contacted James Bond style to go to a "Spy Who Loved Me" type bash. Shirley Bassey is there doing what she does best and ladies showing off casual to outerwear to skimpy clothes (for a minute of two) then glammed up to the nines. Personally, my favourite bit of the ad is the group of gentle men at the bar (Champagne for me please lads)! Watch it here on Vimeo. 

That version of "Get this Party Started" is brill. I wonder if it might be released? T'would do well methinks

No, but I think it's great idea to spoof a bond movie. The bit with Twiggy stroking that bit of fur, is genius! LOL! It's all so wonderfully cheesy!

Well done M&S! Another winner of a campaign

Peace Ya'll


Torchwood - 6 weeks and counting!

Captain Jack

If you think that Torchwood is Dr Who, then think again!

I mean it in a good way. The show has all the elements of Dr Who but it's much, much, more grown up. So far the stories are more, gruesome, scarey and sexy! As for the mystery behind why Jack can't die, well I can't wait for the details to unfold.

It's pretty obvious that the cast and crew are still in that "new" phase. Characters are still forming, relationships are still building, history is still in the making but I can think it's a damn fine programme. I only hope the public feel the same and we get a chance to see this oh so promising piece of British creativity given a chance to really thrive.

Peace Ya'll


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lost on Sky One

The Cast of "Lost"

How could they??? How could they move Lost to Sky One?

How can those people who have faithfully followed the programme now continue to watch it without having to pay extra? Why does everything have to come with a price? I'm so very fed up of all this nonsense.

All you get on most terrestrial commercial telly is rubbish. I still haven't figured out what all the late night quiz stuff is about. Such utter drivel and a real rip off no wonder ITV are struggling. The only thing that saves late night telly is News 24 and once you've watched that for an hour interest begins to wain.

Shows like "Lost" (previously) on channel 4 were highlights of the week. Now, no more.

I'm speaking as someone who has access Sky One. However, I like to watch telly in bed. Do I have access to Sky One in my bedroom? Of course not! Will I be forking out to get it in my bedroom? Of course not! Looks like another programme is off my list then.

Peace ya'll


Friday, November 17, 2006

First Direct

I know this is a tv blog but I just have to say...

So a bank has finally owned up to only really being interested in grabbing as much money from it's customers as possible.

The crux of the matter is they're not interested in low paid workers, those on benefits or poorer pensioners. Banks are only interested in people who have money. Introducing these charges is one way of shaking off those people who clearly don't have money or at least making them pay even more for the priviledge of using bank services. Bear in mind here that people on benefits and pensioners have been forced to have a bank account because of changes, brought about by the government, in the way payments are made.

Some may say that it's only £10 a month. Well that's £10 a month way too much in my opinion given the amount of money banks make. There are ways around this charge, for example at the moment there's a loophole whereby opening a savings account and leaving £1 will qualify you for an exemption. How long this will remain is anyone's guess.

My personal opinion is I'm appalled! Personally, I hope thousands upon thousands of people switch. If we don't vote with out feet after this, it won't be long before other banks follow suit.



Sunday, November 12, 2006

Strictly Come Dancing

Saturday nights have been saved by the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing.

I can't believe it's taken me so long to chat about it! Maybe it's just because it's so good that it's beyond commentary??? Nah!!! It's just I've been a bit lazy.

The show is good - now there's a bit of classic British understatement.

Originally I cringed at the thought of yet another gaggle of celebs just trying to revive their careers. It's gonna be appalling was my first thoughts. I am so willing to admit to being wrong!

The whole thing has been proper! I think the X Factor judges need to pick up a few tips on how not to take over the show with personal vendettas. Contestants, clearly work extremely hard, the judges are on the whole pretty fair and the dance professionals are doing a great job of bringing dance back into popular public arena. Oh and I can't miss out the live music and the singers who are so very versatile!

I love the way whole thing works, I can even cope Bruce's silly jokes. My only downer is the voting of the Great British Public but everyone is always going to think differently, a vote is a vote!

My verdict - Fantastic! Long may "she" dance!

Peace Ya'll


Thursday, November 09, 2006

James Bond is soooo back!

I'm not really into James Bond. (Ok no gasps please!)

I liked Sean Connery as Bond, he always stopped me in my tracks but anyone after that only really got a quick lookee see. As for the actual films, the stories didn't really excite me. I loved the gadgets much more.

Recently we've seen a lot of posters of the new film Casino Royale on billboards and the side of buses. I have to admit that picture of Daniel Craig has intrigued me into thinking maybe I'd like to go see the movie. It's a lovely pic - him in a suit with the tie undone, looking all mean and moody and very capable - yum!!!

Today, however, that most beautiful of pics was spoilt for me by them plastering some woman in a red almost dress all over him. There she is standing there looking all sexy, seductive and gorgeous! How Dare they!!!!

I don't want to look at her! I know he gets the bird! We all know he gets the bird! Why do they have to rub my nose in it???!!!

Take her off my man errrrr I mean my favourite picture! I demand you remove her this instant! It's bad enough that I'm gonna have to watch her all through the film getting upto all sorts of shenanigans with James BUT can you at least leave me one scenario where this big, beautiful, black woman can imagine herself with that lovely man?

I thank you!

Signed: Desperate of Big Town! Shaken and Stirred!


Friday, October 13, 2006

Channel 5 Multiplies!

If you don't know yet then let me shout it from the roof tops!

Channel 5 is launching two more channels on British TV this weekend, Five Life and Five US.

Of course they are both digital channels, which I suppose gives me one more excuse to get a freeview box for my bedroom tv. Looking at the promised line up I think I personally will find a few things to enjoy as the long dark winter nights draw in.

Five Life launches on Sunday 15th October (2006) at 8pm

Five US launches on Monday 16th October (2006) at 8pm


Torchwood is coming!

Captain Jack is coming back in the all new series Torchwood.

This new show is a spinoff from the fabulous Dr Who.

It's due to start on BBC Three 22nd October (2006). If it's written with even a portion of the humour and cleverness in the Dr I think this will be a real gem.


Dodge Calibre - Yes another car advert!

Nasty corporate big boys in suits causing cute little cuddly charaters to be so scared they wet their pants ahhhh!!! Cute Toys Dodge Review

I don't know what it is about the ad for the Dodge Calibre that tickles my funny bone. It just does is all. So I thought I had to mention it.

Imagine my delight therefore when I went looking for a link to the advert only to find a little gem hidden away on the Dodge website. It seems there's another advert that was destined for our fair shores in the UK but it was banned. Why?? Well watch it for yourself and then click on the button to find out why. (WARNING - contains scenes of nudity) Moondog - Bad Dog!

As for me. I just think it's funny!

(Does that mean I really do need a dr?)


There's so much!!!!

There's loads to talk about. So much it scares me. New shows, adverts and even new channels.

So where do I start .... hmmmm????

Let's see...


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Little Miss Joycelyn


I was really looking forward to Little Miss Joycelyn (Tuesdays 10.30pm on BBC Three) and was more than pleased to find it more than met my expectations.

Following the usual format of sketches primarily starring a main comedienne, it was still funny enough to keep me chuckling throughout the duration of the programme. My favourite characters so far are Mr and Mrs Omwukwopopo, Fiona and Paulette; I'm looking forward to seeing Gladys Kingston in action!

Coming from one of the girls involved in 3 non-blondes, one of the funniest programmes I've seen for ages and tragically overlooked by most, I hope this will not suffer the same fate. One warning though, the language is a bit strong in places so I wouldn't mark it out as one for the kids.

Each episode is available for UK viewers to watch online a week before transmission.

Little Miss Joycelyn on BBC Three


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

BB7 the mother of all twists!

There's a myth that's been perpetrated by TV and production companies. The myth is that the public has control over what happens in so called "reality" programmes. So far it's worked quite well. Every week, vast hordes of viewers wait avidly for phone numbers to flash up at the end of these shows so they can vote for the least/most hated person, knowing that like the baying crowds of old at public hangings they can tune it to watch the fate of the latest unfortunate (or some may say deserving) victim errr I mean contestant.

Most callers are fully aware that the cost of these calls is way above ordinary call charges but who cares? The rush from being able to vent your spleen, control someone else's life, by dialing a succession of numbers is well worth it.

Of course people failed to notice the creeping way in which this kind of profit making made it's way onto our screens and into our homes.

From music channels who encouraged you to phone your request in for your favourite video to quiz shows with a viewers question, just to help you feel like you were really involved and not just sitting in your armchair shouting at the tv. Of course we have the various "reality" programmes and now we have whole channels dedicated to one long phone in multiple answer quiz programme where you're charged whether or not you get through, just dial the number!

How long does it take people to figure out that questions like

"The rain in Spain falls mainly in the
A) dog
B) the back seat of the car
C) plain"

are designed not to find a winner but to get as many people phoning in as possible thus ramping up the profits? It seems it's taken a very long time.

Finally, however, the penny seems to have dropped (pun intended) with the latest BB7 twist. There's has been all sorts of "furore" going on over the fairness or otherwise of former housemates going back into the house and having a chance to win.

People are up in arms (ok, some people) because they have spent "good" money ensuring those housemates were hanged errrr sorry I mean evicted. Now, a few weeks down the line BB has turned tables not just on the housemates but also on the public.

BB is asking viewers not only to phone to vote evictees back into the house next door but then to possibly phone once again to evict one of the former housemates on the final week. (The current housemates are to decide who comes back into the main house). Okay so all the money for the return to the house next door is going to charity but talk about trying to sweeten the pill!! How cynical and manipulative can you get?

However, the fact remains that the people already spoke with regard to certain contestants and now they're being asked to speak again - AT YET MORE COST!

The public have spent the last 7 years laughing at the housemates and the way in which they have been controlled and manipulated by a faceless BB entity but BB7 has finally tipped his hand and we now know, with very little doubt, who is in control of the whole thing and who has really been manipulated all this time. The housemates have had it easy with all expenses paid, fed and watered, fees, celebrity status and possibly career opportunities not normally afforded ordinary people. Maybe they have been the ones laughing at the public all along.

So much for "Who goes??? You decide!!"


Monday, August 07, 2006

24 meets Star Trek

I've been loving the re-runs of the classic Star Trek Original Series at 7pm every evening on the Sci Fi Channel.

Yes, Star Trek is testosterone fuelled, American imperialism (thanks Phil - mwwahhh). Good ole' boys chasing around the universe imposing their idea of right and wrong, spouting the ideal of non-interference as they interfere right royally. Disapproving of the customs of civilisations old and young, whilst blowing up worlds, screwing (sorry) romancing the female of whatever species and helping whole societies to collapse.

The sexism, racism, bad acting, terrible fights (oops Kirk's top has been ripped off again), awful stunt/body doubles and over acting.

I love every minute of it!

I'd forgotten how many stories are recycled in the Star Trek universe. I tell you what, there's no better place to look for conservation ideas. Recently there were a couple of episodes, one called "Mirror Mirror" which was the story of a mirror universe where the federation was an empire ruled by fear and promotion was gained by murder and deceit. This was where the Enterprise story "In A Mirror Darkly" came from, one of my absolute favourites! Then another episode "The Changeling" which was obviously the story from which Star Trek the Movie (you know the one with "Vger" and the girl with no hair) was made.

Ok, so we all know the stories are basically the same time and again 
"Chloe" from the series "24"

 but I made another discovery! I know where Chloe from 24 will end up or it maybe her great, great, great, great grand daughter!

Yup! Chloe will become Yeoman Rand and serve aboard the Enterprise underneath ('scuse the pun) none other than Captain Kirk! Don't believe me? Here are the pictures to prove it!

Well done that girl!!! I knew I loved her and now she's confirmed as one of my heroes!

Go Chloe!!!
Go Chloe!!!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Burger King - Superman

I'm a bit worried about the recent Burger King adverts. You know which ones I mean!! The ones with that bloke in fairy tale king's outfit and a giant plastic head.

There's something about the giant plastic head that just freaks me out. I don't know whether it's the size of the head, the shinyness, the staring eyes, the cheesy grin, the totally immobile features or what. All I know is I see the character and I feel, well ......"freaked"!

The lastest advert was released to run a promotion with the new Superman Returns movie. Oh my gosh no!!! All I can say is it 'superfreaked' me (heh heh)!

Why you may ask? Well, not only did it have that freaky king but it also had a freaky bloke sitting in a "so not a bloke way" on a bench staring almost lovingly at a nasty, horrible, uninviting looking sandwich.

See what you think ... Burger King Super Advert

Superfreak!!!!! Or maybe it's just me.

Peace ya'll


Monday, July 17, 2006

The Internet is like a series of tubes OK?

Warning!!! This post is not about a tv programme, well not in the usual sense of my posts here.

I just discovered (a few weeks after the whole of America) the definitive explanation of what the internet is. Now you may wonder why it would concern me but what I've not made clear on here is that my job involves working in IT and one of the questions I sometimes get asked by computing novices is "what is the internet?". Until now I had used stock phrases like "the information superhighway" or "lots of pages of information" or "cyberspace where anyone has the potential to interact with anyone from any part of the world" blahdee blahdee blah.

However, whilst finally catching up with some of my favourite blogs I came across this article on Wired News - "MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song".

Finally, at last and forever I have a way of explaining to all those novices out there what the internet is and even better Jon Stewart from the Daily Show put it all into a neat little package

Internet is a series of tubes - The Daily Show

Thank you Jon, thank you senator. We can all rest easy now.

Peace Ya'll


Monday, July 10, 2006

Big Brother 7 - is there a vampire in the house?

Hey guys, I have tried to avoid it but I had to give up and give in.

Yes, I have been watching Big Brother 7.

It made for very uncomfortable viewing during the first few weeks when there was a truly disturbing amount of bullying. Aisleyne being forced to evict her new housemates last week was on a par with the first few weeks. I struggled with whether I wanted to continue watching people being treated in this way but the cruel sadistic streak in me triumphed and I have continued.

I promise I will not write many posts on BB7, as I think it's getting more than enough coverage.

I couldn't resist this one though because I was struck by how much Glyn now looks like Spike. You know, the vampire from Angel. Forget Billy Idol (although he looks so much like him too). I much prefer the thought that there maybe a vampire in the house because let's face it we already have Pete the popstar/rocker!

Also this gives me an opportunity to put this picture of Spike and the dark, broody, hot one - that's Angel not Micheal by the way - on my blog (mmmmmmmm lol).

Could you imagine the scene though if Glynn was a vampire???

Cue BB music.....

Voice Over Man: "Day 57 in the BB house, it's 1am in the morning and for the first time all house mates appear to be asleep. Oh hold on, one house mate, Glyn has come to the diary room."

Glynn/Spike: "Hello Big Bruver! You know I wanted some black pudding? Well I think I'm ok for the moment."

BB: "Why's that Glynn? Have you gone off black pudding?"

Glynn/Spike: "Well it's the strangest thing BB. Ever since I dyed my hair I've had this urge to bite people's necks. I've discovered a new taste and I like it much more."

BB: "Could you explain what you mean about the taste Glynn?"

Glynn/Spike: "Well you know that black pudding is also known as blood sausage. I've found that lately when I kiss them on the neck I just have a little nibble and then suddenly I taste something like the black pudding, only warmer and all ooozier.

One other thing I noticed is that anyone I do that to seems to get a bit quiet and sleepy but they liven up in a couple of days. In the meantime the house is full of all these lovely people who like having my chops around various bits of their anatomy so I've got plenty of supplies. Oh that's apart from Susie, she just tastes like tea, could I nominate her to go please?"

As Glynn leans back in the diary chair laughing we see he seems to have a lovely set of knashers. Some that could do with a bit of a file down.

Suddenly the cameras switch from the BB Diary Room to the bedroom. We see it flooded with light and full of BB staff checking on housemates. Suddenly all the lights go dark as we hear the sound of running feet and lots of screaming......

Cut to station announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen we apologise for the loss of your programme. BB will get back to you..."

(((Giggle, giggle)))

Peace Ya'll


Dr Who

I have loved the new Dr Who almost from the very first show.

But this last story, espcially the second part was absolutley superb!!!

For all you doubters out there, trust me ... you would be wise to get hold of both series one and two.

The growth in characters, stories, special effects etc is positively heart warming.

Whilst Christopher Ecclestone's Dr was manic and a bit scarey (in a nice way). David Tennants' Dr is witty with glimses of a dark almost menacing undercurrent.

The whole relationship with his assistant Rose made facinating viewing. I was mightily pleased that the writer/s finally sorted out her mom and spruced up her former boyfriend Mickey! I am also happy with the effects as they are i.e. that kind of almost man in a funny suit quality mixed with low budget CGI. That's what Dr Who is all about, please don't go all Matrix on us auntie Beeb!

My verdict on the show then ... Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!

I cannot wait for the Christmas Special and the new season.

Peace ya'll


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ice Skateing Citroen - Genius!

Ok sorry again for being away so long but I intend to slide right back in as if I'd never been away.

Have you seen the latest Citroen C4 advert? I think it is absolutely fantastic!

I love this version which I found on the net, probably the the unedited one. Little things like the suprised lumberjack and the engineer falling over when the car slides to a halt amuse me no end. For me it's those touches that add to the feeling of realism, oh if only cars could transform into ice skating geniuses ... could you imagine the stage show??

Peace ya'll


Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Apprentice - The Final Judgment

If you missed this gem then I strongly urge you to watch it online, or wherever you can get hold of a copy.

The battle commenced at 9pm and what a battle it was!

Superb telly was provided by Paul and Syeed scrapping away trying to compete with each other selling tickets to the same group of people. They were on the same team and supposedly working together but the mighty egos bumped up against each other to magnificent effect for those of us watching and unfortunately nearly resulted in disaster for team leader Michelle.

I loved the meeting Michelle called on the street that effectively put Syeed in his place. His comment that he was "this close to getting very nasty" was only superceded by Paul earlier calling Syeed a (how shall I put it) "male chicken" under his breath. Funny, funny, funny - oh ok, it helped to have seen it. Eventually Michelle regrouped, the team pulled together, tickets were sold and the evening went off very well indeed.

Ruth's team by contrast were all chaps together. They worked well and each member of the team pulled their weight. There was a bit of a hiccup with regard to what the theme of the night would be, even Sir Alan put a call into Ruth to voice his opinion. However, they pulled off the murder mystery night complete with can can dancers and costumes. It all looked like great fun and moneywise pulled in almost twice the amount of the other team.

Money didn't talk for Sir Alan, however, when it came down to the final choice. In the end he went for Michelle.

It was a bit of a shocker in some ways but in others not really. I think he saw her as someone who would be an Apprentice in the truer sense of the word. Someone who needed to be moulded and polished. Whereas Ruth seemed to be pretty set in her ways (albeit a very effective manager).

So Michelle it is. Well done girl I wish you all the best!

As for Ruth (my favourite) she'll be more than ok.

Peace Ya'll


Woolwich Mortgage

Guaranteed to make me giggle at the moment is the new ad for Woolwich Mortgages.

It's shows a couple going through passport control on their way back from honeymoon in Jamaica. Why would that make me laugh? I hear you scream. Well watch this...

Woolwich Investments - Touch me!

It took me weeks to figure out what they were advertising because I was so amused everytime this ad played.

Oh oh, here comes the giggles again..... touch me

Peace Ya'll


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Face Cream

Now, to state the obvious, everyone has to advertise their wares. It's a very necessary part of business but when they get on the telly and start telling me what I can afford it's a sure way to put me off the ad, the company and the product.

The one that gets on my wick the most for this is the one for a certain face cream with a certain Celebrity Beauty Editor.

There she is living and working the world of celeb, full of people well known these days more for scandals than for any talent or ability. All the public hears about is lavish lifestyles, spent shopping, partying, swearing at paparazzi and giving their kids daft names. They attend every premier, launch, concert, and award ceremony to not only mop up the free food, drink and publicity but goodie bags stuffed with all sorts of exclusive jewelly, clothes, shoes, gadgets, and modes of transport. This is in addition to the astronomical fees for films, commercials, PAs and opening the local Co-op.

So this is where I'm coming from. I'm being told this about celebs all the time. "The must have for this season is this blue bag made out of tissue paper that you may be able to fit the ring from your left hand little finger (and remember the ring must be made of green salami with purple mushrooms). It's a steal at only 500 squid."

Mmmmm yes, that's why you miss editor would think nothing of buying a face cream for £20. Well Honey! That may not be a celebrity price tag to you but to me (pauper that I am) that's a hell of a lot of money for something that's probably only gonna last me a few weeks. For that kind of mula I'd expect the jar to have the very finest diamonique stones embedded in the lettering.

I think I'll stick with me £3 bottle of stuff that keeps me skin the beautiful, soft and shine free!

Ok Rant over!

Peace Ya'll


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Apprentice - Aproaching the Last Hurdle

I told ya! What did I say?!! The Badger lives on!

Ok, ok so I was wrong about Paul but to be honest after the hearing the quote of the series (".... the Colosseum where they filmed Gladiator and stuff") from him, I should have know better anyways.

What was he thinking to write something slagging off the selling techniques of Big Issue sellers? For someone who purports to work in recruitment to admit that he hadn't even taken the time to write his own CV never mind (obviously) read it thoroughly, was pretty frightening.

Ansell disappointed me, not in how he's performed throughout the series but in the fact that he (along with others) hadn't even researched what goods manufactured or supplied by Sir Alan's companies.

Come on people are you seriously telling me you would go up for a £100 grand a year job with so little preparation?

School boy error!!!!!!!

Yes guys and galls, you may be applying to be Sir Alan's Apprentice but don't you think it might be an idea to be aware of what you may very well be involved in working on? If only so's you could nod and say yes at appropriate parts of a conversation with the great knight himself.

Well it's left to the ladies to hold the fort and don't go thinking I think they performed a great deal better in the interviews.

Michelle leaves me cold to be honest. Very, very ambitious and in certain ways very controlled. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's a successful businesswoman (who am I to criticise her. Look at me twice her age and on a fraction of her earnings) but it would be nice to see some warmth in her eyes. (Anyways what that's for to do with business I don't know - lol)

Ruth, Ruth, Ruth!!! Calm down babes. You've done well. You can come over a little aggressive at times and I think you need to let others finish what they are saying more often. When all's said and done, Ruth is my favourite for the top spot. Hence we go back to my original statement "the Badger lives on"!!! Yay!

So here we are then. I don't know about you but I know exactly what I'll be doing at 9pm tomorrow, so don't even think about calling ok?

Peace Ya'll


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Masterchef Goes Large

Nothing at all like the previous incarnation. No red or blue kitchen. No Lloyd Grossman and guest chef discussing whatever up the corner. No annoying wandering around the contestants just when they are at the height of panic stations asking stupid questions like "and what are you planning to do with the stock?" (Errr how about leaving the kitchen before you find out in a not so polite way???!!)

Nope, Masterchef has gone large. The would be chefs are out of the studio for part of the show and thrown in at the deep end in a real live working kitchen. The judges consider all kinds of things not just how fancy the presented recipies are. The contestants are really encouraged to think long and hard about the why, what, how and when.

I'm sure I've missed the whole competition for this year but I seem to keep bumping into episodes when surfing the tv and then that's me, happily hooked for the next 30 minutes or so.

It's a new and improved recipe! Well done Aunty Beeb!!!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ice Age 2

Of course I know that this is a TV blog but let's face it, with the advent of the internet, downloads and all things digital technology, it probably won't be long before this little gem (currently out in UK cinemas) will be on TV. Not only that but this is my blog so I can post about anything I want so there!

I went to see Ice Age 2 over the bank holiday weekend and it was a real treat.

I won't rant on about what everyone knows is top quality animation from the realistic looking fur, water (flood) scenes, to the scenery, the the fire to the geysers to the way the breeze moved through the trees or the colours, shades, perspectives, the marriage of actor's voices with each character, the music etc etc.

What I'm trying to say is that this film is just a jolly good yarn folks. Definately worth a visit. You will laugh from the beginning to the very last drop.

Bring the kids or don't bring the kids, just go see it ok?!?


The Apprentice

Well we've got to the last 4 and tonight it's the roughest, toughest interviews anyone can ever expect to face.

The candidates will be grilled (and I mean slow spit roast stylee) by 3 of Sir Alan's trusted people. All highly successful business men in their own right, they have gained the trust of Sir Alan. They will be sure to take no prisoners tonight. No matter your previous achievements it will take a lot to impress these people and even if you succeeded in impressing them you would probaly never know. If the candidates, 2 boys and 2 girls, think they've had it tough so far, they ain't seen nothing yet!

To cap it off, this week we lose 2 people in one go ready for the almighty showdown next week.

It'll be hard to see them go but I reckon - and here I'm sticking my neck way, way out - that we'll be saying goodbye to Ansell and Michelle. Last two standing will be Paul and Ruth. Ok, so I'll probably get shot down in flames here with these predictions but it's nothing compared to what these candidates have been through over the last 10 weeks (and it's oh sooooo much more preferable).

My quote of the series so far has to be when Paul was talking to Ansell about Rome after winning a luxury trip at the end of the last task. Here I'm paraphrasing but the conversation went something like this.

Paul: "Wow Rome! Great! Have you ever been to Rome?"
Ansell : "No. I've never been to Italy"
Paul: "Oh it's great! They've got loads in Rome. They've got the Colosseum and everything. You know the Colosseum where they filmed Gladiator"

Oh my God! How very priceless!

All the majesty and history in Rome and the best you can say is it's where they filmed Gladiator - you're after a job paying how much a year???!! Good thing it's not as a tour guide.


Oh and one more thing. I'm loving that we can now watch certain shows online at any time and of course "The Apprentice" is one such entity. It's way past time that the tv companies woke up and smelled the aroma of the internet! Yippee!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Chicken Bites - Bites!!!

I have been appalled by the recent adverts from Mattesons for their Chicken Bites.

I swear they must have been created by a team of vegetarians. (No offence guys)

But never mind the "They bring out the carnivore in you" tag line, watching the ads are enough to put you off meat for life.

Who in their tiny little right minds thought that the idea of someone standing at the bus stop eating the product and being ogled and almost attacked by people who turn into grotesque creatures horrific fangs and claws would encourage anyone to rush out and buy the product?

I honestly worry about not only the people who came up with the concept but also about the whoever in the company said yes and allowed the ads to be made and shown. I cannot believe there is anyway they went to focus groups or even got through the advertising authorities.

The whole thing is just horrible, worthy of something the current candidates taking part in the Apprentice would come up with. I can just hear Alan Sugar now...!!!

Mattesons Chicken Bites on Visit4Info website.

Peace ya'll


Citroen Dancing Transformer Car

It's an oldie I know but I've been meaning to write about this ad for absolutley ages.

The dancing transformer car from Citroen. I haven't decided whether it's genius or painfully 80's break dancing corny.

Depends on my mood at the time. No matter what, I know I couldn't move like that so I suppose when all's said and done it's a clever peice of genius.

Check it for yourself and tell me what you think... have a look at the ad creation on Luxology.com

Peace ya'll


Triple Velvet Advert

For me the award for 'Freaky Advert of the Year' has to go to the one with the baby in a suit walking around the toilet paper factory lecturing the workers on the quality of the product.

It's just plain errrmmmm ............... freaky!!!!

I've included a link to one of the ads in the title of this post but you can read up the ideas behind the creation of the ads and have a look at the latest by clicking on this link from the Glassworks

Peace Ya'll


Saturday, April 15, 2006

I'm still around!!!

Hello peeps. Long, long time no see eh?

I'm sorry I've not posted in a while. Well would you look at that? It's been 2 months - where does the time go?

But I'm back now ok? Anyway, there was no real need for me with Harry Hill back on our screens here in the UK. Sorry guys not in the UK but I'm sure there was lots going on to keep you all busy anyway.

Well this is just a hello post to say ummmm... "Hello".

There have been a couple of things I spotted on TV over the past few months that have really needed something written about them so here goes. I promise to be kind - well sorta - lol

Peace ya'll


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Monkey Magic!

It's great news everyone! Monkey is coming back!

Now I know I normally chat about shows that are on or just about to hit our screens but I've just found this article in the Times Online and I've been thrown back to the days of my youth.

As kids, my siblings and I used to gather round the TV to watch Monkey on his magical journey with his companions The Priest, Pigsy and the Water Monster to retrieve statues from a Buddhist monastery.

Now I have to admit that as a child, I didn't really undestand what was going on I only really remember the stupid monsters, corny jokes, idiotic fight scenes and barely passable special effects. Our household favourie was the flying cloud! Those were the days!

My mom loved the programme too because it was one of very few times she was free from screaming rampaging kids.

It's being remade and brought up to date. No doubt there will be major changes but I hope they will at least keep the sense of humour that was such a hit with old and young alike.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Deal or No Deal

Preston (formerly of Celebrity Big Brother and lead singer of the Ordinary Boys) said he thinks the banker is actuallly Mr Blobby.

When I think of Noel Edmiunds I can't help but think of terrible jumpers, Mr Blobby, Shakey cardboard Castle scenery, big throne like chairs, gunge tanks. It's all gone!

Instead we have real people playing a cracker of a game.

You can't help but get really involved! Catch it when you can! It's by far the best game show on tv right now.

Peace Ya'll


Harry Hill's TV Burp

Harry's back tonight. I found this show in it's earlier late night incarnation a while ago and really didn't think I'd like it. Harry with his high collar, thick rimmed glasses, leery lip licking and slapstick style comedy wasn't what I would normally have been interested in watching.

How wrong I was. He just takes such an irreverent look at the weeks happenings in tv. Soaps, news events, reality shows; no-one is safe. There's the running joke of the week, the fight of the week e.g. "who do you think would win in a fight between Tracy Barlow and a Cylon" and him ripping the "p" out of a scene and then inviting those involved onto the show to finish it up.

He's cheeky, disrespectful, genius and just plain funny. Tune in tonight on ITV1 at 5.15pm.

Oh no! I sound like an ad now!


Watch the Branston Baked Beans Advert - I'm still scared!

I know I said it already but the ad for Branston Beans scares me. It seems the more it scares me the more often it's on the telly.

I think it's the way this can is winding and grinding while singing "I believe in miracles" in that sultry voice. Then to make matters worse the mouth with those perfectly white teeth and it kinda looks like a cyclops. Next we move to it singing the line "rich tomato taste that's good enough to lick" at which point "it" sticks it's tongue out and licks it's lips - ew! What really finishes me off though, is the woman who's sitting there with a plate of beans on toast in front of her watching the whole disturbing occurence like she's in love.

I finally found the ad here on Visit4info. Watch it and tell me what you think.


Update: The link at Visit4info is now a paid link. To watch the ad for free go to TellyAds. (Thanks to Will for this link).

Friday, February 10, 2006

I got tagged - 8 things I want in an ideal partner

Whoooweee! I got tagged by BlogMonkey. Now normally I don't do stuff like this and I'm keeping in mind that this is a TV Blog but hey there's more to me than a couch potato who spends her time staring at the big magical box in the corner. So here goes.....

8 Things I Want In An Ideal Partner - (drum roll please)

1. A man. When I say a man I mean a man in everyway, I don't want wimpy but don't get me wrong I don't want neanderthol

2. Humour. There must be laughs. Not nasty, picking on someone's weaknesses laughs but just good humour.

3. Love films. Especially stuff that's more on the Sci-Fi/superhero/action side. Equally though a good comedy or the occasional chick flick will be required. Ok, cartoons too!

4. Able to hold a conversation. There is absolutely nothing sexier than being able to chat with someone for hours on end. I'm not just talking about when you first meet and you're trying to get the measure of someone. I mean even after you've known each other for years. I'm talking about stuff from heated debates to philosophical discussions to workday woes to sharing opinions on what crumpets are made from. (I always wondered that.) Just communicating in other ways than the "horizontal rumba". Speaking of which...

5. Horizontal Rumba. Sorry I don't do kinky. I don't mind having a bit of fun but kinky is a no. I'm not going into further details here either. You would have to be in a relationship with me to find out.

6. Taller than me. I'd prefer if he's taller than me by at least 3 inches. I've been out with guys who are my height and wearing heels is a no no! How sexy can you look in flats? Ok, if you're a certain age and build maybe you can get away with it but I can't. (This one is negotiable though.)

7. Able to make decisions. I have spent all my life making decisions. Could someone else do it for me or with me, if only to decide which pub we're going to.

Finally, I admit to nicking this last one from Blogmonkey word for word...

8.Wants me as well. Seems obvious I guess but finding your perfect partner doesn't mean that they feel the same about you. HEAR HEAR!!! Well said!

Now I don't know that many bloggers so I can only pass it on to my very tiny circle



Thursday, February 09, 2006

Have some respect for our Dame!

While doing some research for my post on Jeremy Kyle I came across this article about Dame Judi Dench.

It seems she's been judged too old to appear on American chat shows to promote her film "Mrs Henderson Presents".

As sure eggs is eggs people of all ages will watch the film! Maybe they would prefer her to go out and have a bit of "nip 'n tuck" to make it more acceptable to have a 70 year old on their shows?!? Piffle!

Judi, you're a class act! You're a fine looking woman (I hope I look as good when I get to her age) and your talent outshines the rest of us mere mortals. We love you just as you are.


The Apprentice

Image hosting by Photobucket

It's coming back and soon! Mr Sugar is on a mission to sift through those people brave enough to apply for the position.

This was an absolutley storming programme last year and I am looking foward to better this time around.


Eastenders - Pat & Patrick

What?!?!? They're doing "it"!!!

Oh puuullleeaase!!!!! I'm just getting over the Juley and Ruby debacle, never mind the comedy that was Mo and Alfie.

I'm sighing and shakin my head right now!


Coronation Street - Poor Rita

Image hosting by Photobucket I was so upset last night when Stuart attacked Rita. Hasn't that poor woman been through enough?

I'm not joking, it brought tears to my eyes.

Come on you script writers, please lay off our Reet!


The Jeremy Kyle Show

I know I say it all the time but you guys must watch this programme!
There's no Oprah/Tricia "there, there" style sympathy. No Jerry Springer "chuck everyone in the middle and stand back while they duke it out" ringmaster style. No Riki Lake "I'm really embarrased to be doing this but it earns me bug bucks so here goes" style.

Na! Jeremy basically says to his "guests". Ok, what's your story? I've heard it all before! Sort it out, be a man/woman! You sound like a complete idiot! If you're not interested get off my show!

I love it!! Or is that just the evil twin side of me.?!?


Dancing on Ice - John B not happy?

I hear that there's been a bit of boohooing into the press about John being voted out on Saturday. Whether he really said some of that stuff or not I don't know. My opinion (not that anyone's asking but you're gonna get it anyways) is that it was the right choice on the night.

Now I have to say he and Bonny are (or were) the best skaters in the competition BUT and this is a really big Beyonce/J Lo stylee BUT on the night, when it counted in the skate off, he was worse than Stephan. How that could be, I don't understand. Especially since John compared to Stephan in the past was like comparing an overnight stay at a youth hostel to a stay at a five star hotel. There was just no comparison. However, for some reason on Saturday, the intricacies of Stephan's footwork, his confidence and his connection to his partner was better than John.

The only thing I agree with is that John should not have been in the bottom two in the first place. There were easily worse performances that night by other contestants (David to name but one) but the Great British Public did not seem to vote in enough numbers to keep him out of the bottom two. It was a shame. I was pretty certain he would at least make it to the final, if not win but that seems to be the nature of these kinds of competitions. The better you are, the more likely you are not to win.

Never mind John. We still loves ya and don't forget at least two of the judges said you could get professional ice show work with the level of skill you've already displayed. Now that's gotta be a good thing!


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

24 - Jack's coming!

He's nearly here!

The new series of 24 starts on Sky One this Sunday 12 February with a double bill.

I saw the 10 minute preview tonight and it looks great. Poor Jack despite saving the president, his family (or at least his daughter) and the world he still had to disappear by faking his death. We join him 12 months later all scruffy, with long hair, not so designer stubble and running for his life.

It's the day that will change his life ................... again. Woohooo!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Prison Break

This little gem has sneaked under the wire.

LOL - get it? Prison Break, sneaked under the wire... boom boom - LOL! Ok so I'm, no comedian.

It started with a guy, Micheal Scofield, being tatooted all over his body with a most elaborate design. Then we see him commit a crime during which he gets himself arrested. His plan is to locked up in the same prison as his brother. Big deal, I hear you shout! Hey, but the twist is his brother, Lincoln Burrows, is sentenced to death for killing the presidents brother and Micheal (the one who got himself locked up) is a structural engineer who helped design the prison. No-one knows who he is (except Lincoln). Micheal's elaborate plan is to break himself and Lincoln out of prison and prove that his brother has been framed for the murder.

As he struggles to put his plan in place we see the normally law abiding man learning the hard way about life in prison. The story unfolds in flashbacks along with the audience being given little tasters of conversations where the real people involved in the original crime make plans to bump off the girlfriend who is asking questions. There's a feeling of the involvement of high powered people who control CIA/FBI types.

It's very well done. If you tune in at this stage you will still be able to keep up with what's gone on before. All told a very nice piece of television.


Dancing on Ice shock - John's gone!!!

I was aghast on Saturday when John Barrowman was left in the bottom two by the public vote.

I have to say that based on performances in the skate off, the judges were right to choose Stephan. (Trust me, you don't know how much it hurts to say this.)

I missed last weeks episode where I believe John had a fall that dented his confidence. Looking at him yesterday he appeared to still be shaken and a little timid. Not the usual showcasing we're used to from Captain Jack himself.

I'm gonna miss ya big cheesy smile but you did well. The night was just not your night!


The IT Crowd - Verdict

In my not so humble opinion, this programme is very funny.

I laughed right through both episodes. That may have something to do with the fact that there were a lot of things in there that were very familiar. I found myself trying to figure out which of the three main characters fitted me. I chickened out and decided I'm made up of some bits of all of them and lots of other stuff.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

It's just plain funny and a great way to finish off the week.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd starts on Channel 4 tomorrow (3 February) 9pm with a double bill.

It's looking very interesting. Have a peek at the first couple of episodes (along with a few extra goodies) online. - The IT Crowd


Celebrity Big Brother

Don't trust me folks, I'm just so fickle! Here we are, barely a week on and I've forgotten all about CBB and it's famous (or infamous) housemates.

I don't buy the papers or gossip mags and their type of music is not my thing.

It's a good thing they don't rely on me to make money.


Friday, January 27, 2006

Celebrity Big Brother - Chantelle Wins!

It's all over and the non celebrity has won Celebrity Big Brother!

Well done to all the celebs, it's been a rollercoaster of a ride.

Well done to the giggly blonde!

Well done to the Great British Public!

Phew! I'm off to bed now!


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Celebrity Big Brother - Goodbye George and Dennis

So they've gone! The two giants of the CBB house left last night to boos and hisses.

George was convinced he had achieved his aim to speak to millions instead of hundreds or thousands and to be fair he had, only not in the way he planned. As Davina pointed out, he wanted to reach the youth of this country in an attempt to get them interested in politics but during his time in the house he succeeded in alienating himself from the youngsters. He was a PR disaster. An advertising agency nightmare. A marketing flop. George, you would probably have done better if you'd kept your mouth shut and stayed at home.

Dennis couldn't understand how come Chantelle is still in the house and seems to be doing well as she is not a celebrity. Let me explain it like this for you. The public vote to keep housemates in the house based on their performance/behaviour in the house. It doesn't matter how many women you've slept with, how many baskets you've scored, how much money is in your bank account or how many people in the world know you, we don't care, it's in the past. What counts is what you're like in the house. Your previous performances don't count. It's like expecting a coach to pick someone for a basketball team based on their performance in the Kindergarten Nativity play. Kindergarten happened in the past. You're picked for the team based on current form.

For the vast majority of people watching the show, Chantelle has been much more likeable hence she's stayed. Yes, you maybe more famous but that's not what people are voting on. Maybe someone should have explained that to you before you signed up.

All the best to the long stayers! We''ll know who wins tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Branston Baked Beans Advert

Is anyone else freaked out by this dancing tin of beans or am I the freak?

Careful how you answer that!!!


Update: 15th Feb 2006

This post seems to have generated quite a few hits over the past few days so I've decided to add this update.

I've now found the ad here it is at Visit4info for your viewing pleasure and delictation. I've thought about it some more and asked for others to have their say Branston Comments Why not let us all know what you think?

Update no 2: 14 April 2007

Ok, the first link is now paid. Go to TellyAds to see this advert for free but be warned, I take no responsibility for it's effect on your sanity!


American Idol

Yay! American Idol is back!

ITV2 started with a marathon 2 1/2 hours of AI on Saturday. Randy was his usual piggy in the middle self, Paula and Simon argued, Ryan made stupid jokes and the contestants did what they do best (or not).

Normally I don't laugh too much because there are some people who really have a dream and end up just being humiliated. But Saturday's show was full of moments. The bloke dressed up in a baby doll dress with pig tails and the bloke dressed as the Statue of Liberty got short thrift. The first auditionee got the chance to come back even though he was atrocious. Then there was the guy who's grandmother said listening to him sing always made her cry - well when he opened his mouth we could see why (eww). Finally, let's not forget the deputy (yes a proper policeman - in uniform) who sang "I shot the Sheriff but I did not Shoot the deputy". No it's not me not knowing the song title, that's all he sang over and over and over and over!

They found some great singers though, three sets of twins for a start. It will be interesting to see who gets through to the top 12 or so.

The circus has come back to town!
